
Rita Maria Schiestl

Bath day for spiritual sisters
Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
Sylvia Manning - Baumgartner
Nicole D´Incecco
s interesting is not it? And we have since learned a lot. But a few things like that already were just too funny, where we have as children of three looked a bit funny. It's all were nuns. And once a month we had bathing day. As each one has a cabin and had such a tin pan for themselves. And since we have had to put us in the bathtub, just start the shirt we have, eh, and wait until the bathing sister has come to wash our backs. And then we must undress. I do not know, has a sister such a child's body - it's a little strange, but this was the time back then, gelt. That was so. And then we have - they were then progressive. They have built a skating rink, we were able to skate in winter. We have had a swimming pool in summer. That was really great, I must say. And there have, however, must deploy all the girls with our bathing suits at home. And as has his sister - for me she said:.. "So that is a bit cut out much but she has it then but approved my God, that were once so in any case - not quite neck close, but so that was the. time back then, that was - somehow I was not so accustomed to her home, gelt. Since we were a little free, by living in the countryside, we have grown very freely apply, yes.